If Isao Tomita we’re still alive, today, April 22nd would be his 90th birthday.
そして今日4月22日は「アースデイ(Earth Day)」といって、地球や環境のことを考え、美しい自然環境に感謝する1日とされているそうです。
Today is also Earth Day, a day to think about the earth and the environment, and to be thankful for our beautiful natural environment.
Many of my father's works and concerts had the theme of "world peace and nature, and conservation”.
I think he always felt the importance of peace because he had experienced wars and earthquakes in his childhood.
Isao Tomita composed the song, "Whose Blue Earth is it?" as the theme song for NHK's documentary program "70 Years Our World," which was broadcast about 50 years ago and dealt with pollution, environmental destruction, and the prevention of war.
It was newly produced as the ending theme song for a planetarium program ("Cosmic Harmony - 13.8 Billion Years of Echoes") released this year, sung by Kanon and arranged by Kengo Tsuda.
We would be happy if you would listen to "Whose Blue Earth is it 2020" while remembering my father and thinking about the earth and the environment.
人間が自ら破壊を続けている地球の現状を父は宇宙からどう見ているでしょうか。 - 妹尾理恵 -
I wonder how my father would have viewed the current situation of the earth from space, which humans are destroying by themselves. -Rie Seno-
この度は冨田勲先生の「青い地球は誰のもの」リバイバルに参加させて頂き、とても光栄に思っております。 世界平和と自然保護をテーマに活動されていらした冨田先生の強いメッセージが、この曲を通して多くの方に伝わることを願っております。 津田賢吾さん、妹尾理恵様とのご縁にも感謝を込めて。 - カノン -
そのような様々な「宇宙の音」がテーマのプラネタリウム番組【コズミック・ハーモニー 138億年の響き】は、葛飾区郷土と天文の博物館 土曜日(祝日を除く)19時〜の臨時上映回で上映中です。